
Is it Healthy to Lose Weight Fast?

Everyone tells you that it is not healthy to lose weight fast – it’s simply not true.  One of the signs of hormonal imbalance is storing fat and not from the hormones you are used to hearing about!  As we age (yes, even after the age of 25) the body functions and hormonal systems are being challenged.

This Cowgirl is Happy to Lose Weight Quickly

This Cowgirl is Happy to Lose Weight Quickly

So let’s set the stage to explain this fully.

Stop Yo Yo Dieting to Lose Weight and Start Living

  • The more you deny yourself the foods you love, the more you will want them!
  • Most diets don’t work! These are effective with small amounts of weight loss over relatively long periods of time.
  • Fad diets are not much better and quick loss is usually associated with becoming dehydrated and starving your body.
  • If you are getting into an exercise routine please start slowly and step it up sensibly, And you might even find it pleasurable!
  • Quite simply, LIFESTYLE matters for many reasons that I will address on another blog!
  • I am Not saying ignore what you eat!   We all know the general rules to eating a proper and balanced meal.  Snacking correctly and drinking plenty of water.

Be the best YOU for YOU, not for anyone else!  Honour yourself!


How to Lose Weight Fast is Good News!  It Can Be Healthy!

  • It is about balancing the body’s Leptin   “Leptin may be on top of the food chain in metabolic importance and relevance to disease” Dr. Mercola
  • Healthy weight loss is about losing fat, the dangerous abdominal and visceral fat included! The quicker you can decrease the amount of visceral fat the better ~ it is responsible for things such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and metabolic syndrome.
  • A trim waistline is a good indicator that you don’t have a large build-up of visceral fat.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has set the following cutoff points to identify

people who are at high risk of developing obesity-related diseases:

Women –  greater than 35 inch waist            Men –  greater than 40 inch waist

  • Most weight loss programs focus on the scale – losing muscle and water result in exactly what you are looking for ~ but not what is healthy!
  • A growing body of evidence implicates adipose tissue as a major regulator of inflammation. Along with the stimulation of C Reactive Protein (CRP) in the liver ~ the International Journal of Obesity
  • When a Leptin molecule combines with a C Reactive Protein molecule it forms a double molecule that can no longer get through the blood/brain barrier to do its work.




The Best Weight Loss Program ZEN BODI

  • Healthy, quick results happen when you target Leptin Resistance, and reduce it. This is how ZEN BODI works for weight loss and gain muscle.
  • A healthy weight loss program includes maintaining and building muscle. Along with movement ~ to defy gravity and keep our energy flowing.
  • It’s about creating balance to help your body know when it is full – when it does not need to store fat – Cravings disappear.
  • Combines the natural fat burners often in the form of natural weight loss pills (containing things such as green tea extract, Irvingia gabonensis,  and African mango) with balancing hormones.


How to Solve Leptin Resistance and Banish Your Belly Fat

Leptin is a hormone that plays a crucial role in appetite, cravings and weight control.  It has two functions:

  • It crosses the blood-brain barrier and regulates brain cells that tell you how much to eat.
  • Second, it increases activity in the sympathetic nervous system, which stimulates fatty tissue to burn energy.

It often becomes resistant to crossing the blood brain barrier as it binds with C-Reactive Protein in the body and it is this double molecule that is unable to get across the barrier.

Leptin resistance is sensed as starvation so multiple systems are activated to increase fat stores. If your leptin signaling is working properly:

  • when your fat stores are “full,” this extra fat will create an increase in your leptin level,
  • which signals your brain to stop feeling hungry, stop eating,  stop storing fat and to start burning extra fat off.

Controlling HUNGER is a major way that leptin controls energy storage. The only way to eat less in the long-term is to not be hungry, and the only way to do this is to control the hormones that regulate hunger, the primary one being leptin.

Factors that contribute to Leptin Resistance which make it more difficult to lose weight

  • sugars, and high fructose ~ eating a diet that is high in sugar (particularly fructose), grains, and processed foods – the same type of diet that will also increase inflammation in your body – as the sugar gets metabolized in your fat cells, the fat releases an increase in leptin.
  • simple carbs ( which turn immediately to sugars)
  • high stress levels (increase cortisol levels)
  • overeating
  • exercising too much
  • diet induced obesity
  • repeated contact with high levels of leptin yields resistance.
Address Leptin Resistance for Better Health, Weight Control, and Muscle Gain

Address Leptin Resistance for Better Health, Weight Control, and Muscle Gain

How It Feels to Have Your Leptin Working

more energy

curb cravings

burn abdominal and visceral fat

build healthy muscle tissue

support strength and stamina

control metabolic wellness

control appetite and hunger

be inspired to do more





ZEN BODI program by Jeunesse Global
