
Self Compassion


You are on your way to Self Love and Self Worth.  Every time you listen to your Heart you move closer to your Soul’s truth. As you expand into it you are creating more of it.  You deserve more of it.



You yourself, as much as anybody, deserve your love and compassion”  Buddha

Limiting beliefs and fears that hold you back from living your fullest and most joyful life are often not even yours!  Now that you are more aware of this it’s time to begin to see yourself more clearly. 
Learn how these are important and why it is time to recognize and neutralize them.

  • Conscious awareness of the energies that rule your life. How aware are you of your awareness?   We will expand on this. 
  • How gratitude, perception, judgement and more are among things that affect your own self talk, and how to align with your values.
  • Are you ready?  You are beginning to know you deserve more.  You are beginning to build your worthiness through your own values.


